بالبلدي | BELBALADY

: The Second Edition of The Address Property Show Kicks Off with the Participation of Egypt's Leading Real Estate Developers

The Address Investments maintains its commitment to delivering a distinctive experience

The Address Investments، the premier real estate consultancy firm in Egypt، is set to debut the second edition of The Address Property Show from May 8th to May 11th at the Egypt International Exhibition Center. The event will showcase a distinguished lineup of Egypt's real estate developers.

Delivering a distinctive experience 

The Address Investments maintains its commitment to delivering a distinctive experience for attendees at the exhibition، providing exceptional services and solutions catering to the interests and needs of both customers and companies alike. In pursuit of this goal، the firm embraces innovative approaches that foster sustainable market expansion، addressing the varied requirements of clients through comprehensive marketing tactics. 

Building on the resounding success of its inaugural event in 2023، this edition continues to draw the elite of Egypt’s property developers، such as The MarQ Communities، Ora، SODIC، and Hyde Park، among others. The previous edition welcomed thousands of visitors across four days and generated sales estimated over EGP 4 billion. 

In light of this، Mustafa Badr، The Address Investments CEO، stated: "Following the tremendous success of our first edition، we are excited to present the second edition this year، aiming to deliver a unique and seamless experience for our attendees through collaboration with top real estate developers. Real estate continues to be the preferred option for those seeking secure investments، and we expect a substantial turnout for our 2024 edition."

A notable market share 

He further highlighted that the firm holds a notable market share، collaborating with over 100 developers، and representing some of the most esteemed names in the Egyptian market. The firm’s objective is to provide comprehensive assistance to clients، catering to various needs، including those searching for residential units، investors seeking opportunities، individuals interested in property resale، or those focusing on residential، commercial، and coastal real estate units. 

The second edition of The Address Property Show provides an exceptional and accessible experience for visitors، with a designated entrance and exit for efficient and smooth flow، allowing easy navigation among all the participating developers. This comprehensive approach ensures a comfortable experience that meets the diverse needs، interests، and aspirations of the visitors.

The event is characterized by a diversity of real estate companies and products that cater to all customer needs، allowing buyers to benefit from exclusive deals and offers unique to the show، and enabling developers to broaden their customer base.

The real estate investments 

It's worth mentioning that The Address Investments has been operating in the Egyptian market for 9 years، with over 2000 skilled sales consultants specializing in the real estate investment sector، and boasts a large client base. In its last year، it generated 77 billion Egyptian pounds in sales، benefiting developers across various projects. 

The firm also provides exceptional services to entrepreneurs in the real estate industry، helping them to achieve strong and unique success in the sector. Its strategy is based on supporting each client individually، carefully considering their needs، and directing them toward the best possible solutions.

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