بالبلدي | BELBALADY

: Macron calls for international coalition to fight Hamas

Emmanuel Macron called for an international coalition to fight Hamas and warned other Iranian-backed militant groups not to open new fronts in the war، as the French President met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a trip to Israel.

Israel’s military said there are “long weeks of fighting ahead،” though it wouldn’t say if a ground invasion of Gaza is imminent. Meanwhile، the International Committee of the Red Cross said some hospitals in northern Gaza have no power and are short of medicines.

Releasing two women

On Monday night، Hamas released two women who were among around 220 hostages taken to Gaza when the militant group — designated a terrorist organization by the US and European Union — attacked southern Israel on Oct. 7. Israel says Hamas killed more than 1،400 people. Authorities in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip say Israel’s bombardments have killed thousands.

A spokesman for the Health Ministry in Hamas-run Gaza said the healthcare system had collapsed. A dozen hospitals and 32 health centers are already out of service and there are fears more will halt operations due to airstrikes and shortages of fuel، Ashraf Al-Qidra said.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said its teams visited hospitals in northern Gaza and found facilities with no power، no painkillers and reported medical procedures being carried out by flashlight. The World Health Organization said almost two-thirds of Gaza’s health facilities have ceased functioning، the AP reported.
Hamas built a huge network of underground tunnels in Gaza، similar to a spiderweb، one of the released Israeli hostages told reporters. Yocheved Lifshitz، 85، said her kidnappers took her into the maze of tunnels، which she described as very damp. They walked for kilometers underground until they reached a large hall where she was held initially.

Abiding by international law

British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said he received assurances from Israel that it will abide by international law as its military seeks to defend citizens and secure the release of hostages. “I have raised this issue directly with my Israeli counterparts،” he told the UK Parliament. “I’ve received assurances from the Israeli president to that effect.”
The war could deal a “serious” blow to the global economy، World Bank President Ajay Banga told Saudi Arabia’s flagship investment conference، the Future Investment Initiative.

“There’s so much going on in the world in geopolitics، in the wars that we’re seeing، with what just happened in Israel and Gaza،” he told a panel. “When you put all of this together، the impact on economic development is even more serious. I think we’re at a very serious juncture.”

Earlier، State Street Corp. Chief Executive Officer Ron O’Hanley told Bloomberg TV from the conference that geopolitics is weighing on investment markets “now as much as anything.”

Turning focus onto Hamas

The French leader said he was ready for the international coalition against Islamic State to turn its focus onto Hamas. “The priority — your priority، but also that of all democracies and of France — is to defeat these terrorist groups with you،” Macron said at a joint press briefing with Netanyahu.

Macron also said Palestinians have the right to their own state and called for the resumption of the peace process with Israel.  
Israel’s military dropped leaflets in the Khan Younis area of Gaza asking the population to supply reliable information on the more than 200 hostages that were taken to the strip on Oct. 7، Israel’s Channel 12 television reported. Israel is offering protection and a monetary reward in exchange for the information، the broadcaster said.
The military anticipates “long weeks of fighting ahead،” without saying whether a ground invasion would soon begin. Spokesman Daniel Hagari told a press briefing that troops are prepared for battle but are waiting for optimal timing and government orders.

The air force is carrying out “very significant strikes” in northern Gaza، particularly around Gaza City، Hagari said، urging Palestinians to evacuate to the south of the enclave. Israel has also targeted multiple Hamas and Hezbollah cells planning to launch rockets at Israel over the past day، he said.

Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad called for a “serious” international stance to counter a “dangerous escalation” that threatens the entire region، and said his country is becoming a more prominent mediator via diplomatic channels.

During a televised speech، the emir said Israel “can’t be given an unconditional، green light to kill” and warned the war would only exacerbate feelings of oppression for generations to come. The only way to guarantee peace for Israelis and Palestinians is to establish a Palestinian state، he said.

Evacuating US citizens

The Biden administration is looking into the possibility that thousands of US citizens will need to be evacuated from the Middle East if the Israel-Hamas conflict expands، the Washington Post reported، citing four officials familiar with the contingency planning.

One official said it would be irresponsible not to have a plan، which the people called a worst-case scenario. There were about 600،000 Americans in Israel and another 86،000 believed to be in Lebanon when Hamas first attacked this month، the Post reported. 

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