Palestine – Purchasing power declined in Gaza markets ahead of Eid Al-Adha 0 تعليق ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف
The markets in the Gaza Strip are still seeing no sign of a business boom just two days ahead of Eid al-Adha.

Location: Gaza, Palestine

Language: Arabic

Duration: 00:04:55

Voice: Natural

Source: A24 Gaza

Restriction: A24 subscribers

Date: 08/07/2022


The markets in the Gaza Strip are still seeing no sign of a business boom just two days ahead of Eid al-Adha.

People in Gaza are struggling to celebrate Eid Al-Adha this year amid difficult economic situation in the strip.

High poverty and unemployment rate caused purchasing power of consumers to fall dramatically, leading many Gazans to experience financial hardships.

Markets in the sieged city on Eid usually witness an increased demand for Eid requirements, including clothes, shoes, toys, sweets, and nuts.

However, the declining purchasing power and hard living conditions stole Eid’s joy for the second consecutive year.

Last year, residents have been grappling with the war on Gaza and the fallout from Covid-19. 

إخلاء مسؤولية إن موقع بالبلدي يعمل بطريقة آلية دون تدخل بشري،ولذلك فإن جميع المقالات والاخبار والتعليقات المنشوره في الموقع مسؤولية أصحابها وإداره الموقع لا تتحمل أي مسؤولية أدبية او قانونية عن محتوى الموقع.
"جميع الحقوق محفوظة لأصحابها"

المصدر :" "

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